After Jacqueline Fernandez, Bollywood actor Nora Fatehi has been summoned by the Delhi Police to appear before the Economic Offences Wing today (Thursday) in connection with an extortion case linked to conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar.
On Wednesday, the Delhi Police had also quizzed Pinky Irani, who was allegedly paid in crores to introduce Jacqueline to conman Sukesh.
During the first round of questioning, the officials found inconsistencies in Jacqueline's and Pinky Irani's responses and is likely to question them again. Pinky Irani has also been asked to appear before the Delhi Police on Thursday.
However, the Delhi Police said that Nora Fatehi has no direct connection with Jacqueline but has been called to be questioned together with Pinky Irani.
"Since Pinky Irani is here, we want to interrogate both of them tomorrow. There are certain things that need to be clarified. There's no direct connection between Nora and Jacqueline with respect to this case," said Ravindra Yadav, Ravindra Yadav, Special Commissioner of Police, EOW.