Mahindra has finally launched the Scorpio N, the third generation of the nameplate, starting from Rs 11.99 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Prices of only the petrol and diesel manual variants have only been revealed so far, while the prices of the automatic and 4WD variants will be revealed on July 21. Do note that these prices are only applicable for the first 25,000 bookings on a first come basis.
Its bookings are scheduled to commence online and offline on July 30, 11 AM.. Add to cart option will be open from July 5 and the buyers will be given two weeks' breather to amend their bookings, where they can change the variants, colours, or powertrains. While it has already reached dealerships across the country, it will soon go on display.
Starting July 5, you can test drive the Scorpio N in 30 cities, which will include the following cities: Bengaluru , Hyderabad , etc.
If you can’t see your city’s name in this list, don’t worry. Test drives will commence in the rest of the cities from July 15.